Watching all the rain
Purify the streets from filth
Gives me cleaner thoughts
Here in this special place, thanks to the technology of the internet and push-button publishing, let me show you the contents and color of my heart and mind…
Reading the June issue of Allure (yes, I do indulge in gloss), I came across an interesting bit of news. A study found that people with multiple piercings (other than mundane earlobes) tend to have been exposed to compound traumas. A poll of 196 “multiply-pierced” students, 133 of them being female, taken at the University of Florida in Gainesville, found that the more trauma a person experienced, i.e. a death of someone close, an abortion/miscarriage, divorce, verbal/physical/sexual abuse, etc., the more piercings a person was likely to have. The possible reason cited was that it signifies a person’s ability to withstand pain, and that it is a cathartic process. This finding caught my attention because I have pierced more than my earlobes and have contemplated getting more.
I began to recollect the traumas I have undergone to see if there was any relevance to this claim, whether it could be applied universally. Other than the nowadays typical divorce (is it even considered traumatic anymore?), I have suffered a number of hardships: death, various forms of abuse, near-fatal accidents, and myriad other stressful situations. On top of all that “trauma,” multiple body enhancements became fashionable during my rebellious years. So, looking at my navel ring, I wonder: “At whom should I poke my finger?” Do I blame my past, or do I blame fashion for my hole and the others I’ve entertained?
Any Questions?
Yes, I am strong.
I feel weak as hell.
I am loved and I do love.
No, I am not nor do I.
Sure I like myself.
I can’t stand who I am.
Of course, I think I’m beautiful;
I know I am.
No, I’m ugly;
Can’t stand the sight of myself.
Smart? Hell yeah!
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Yes, I am happy.
Life couldn’t be better.
I am so discontented;
My life sucks and has no point.
No, I am definitely not complicated!
Why would you ask such a question?!?!
Until next time...