
Th Gunmother Was No Fairy

We finally met to discuss The Fairy Gunmother the other night, and the consensus was that the book was anti-climactic, confusing, and that a lot of the humor probably got lost in translation (the book was originally written in French). There were too many characters to keep track of, and hence too many back stories to follow, albeit the back stories were fun to read and added depth to the characters and made some them more memorable than others. I know this book is part of a 4 book series, but I don't believe I will be reading any more of them. Je suis desoleil, M. Pennac.

I do look forward to discussing Paradise in a couple of weeks, though. This is another challenging book that I hope the rest of the group is prepared to delve into. Similar to Fairy, there are lots of characters, but at least the honorable Ms. Morrison gave each on their own chapter, even though all the characters overlap into each other's stories. Her thoughts and plots are so deep, I'm just hoping too much won't go over my head and lead to a bland and unfocused group chat...


February Book

We haven't met to discuss Fairy Gunmother yet, but we've already voted on this month's book, which I am happy to announce, is Paradise, by one of my favorite authors of all time, Toni Morrison. I will keep you posted on our discussions, for I appreciate everyone who is emailing and calling me to say how glad they are that I'm back into blogging. So with this welcomed pressure, I will be diligent. Thanks!