
My Last Day @ 30

As my 30th year in this world comes to an end, I've been doing a lot of introspection at The Sanctuary. This has been a tumultuous, unpredictable, exciting, heart-breaking and heart-mending year. On this last day, I am filled with a melancholic happiness--as much of an oxymoron as that is: for having said goodbye to things and people (one person in particular) and places that have occupied special places in my heart for a very long time, I feel a great loss; meanwhile I feel utter contentment for what my life has become as a result. Playing "catch up" after moving to New York didn't take as long as I was dreadfully expecting; I'm proud to say I am making up for lost time and catching up to where I believe I should be rather quickly.

30 has definitely been a wake-up call for me in more ways than one. The universe showed me the signs and told me I needed to get my life in order by the time I reached 30, the "I am officially a grown-up" year, and I obediently listened, no matter how deleterious I felt this new journey might be. As Oprah said once, "Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it." That is exactly what I have done and strive to do for the rest of my life; I believe I am the better for it and will continue to improve from 31 on.


Forgot Again!!!

The September book is Gentlemen and Players, by Joanne Harris.
So far, I'm really liking how twisted and sinister it is... :)