
My Daily Love Horoscope

Today my love horoscope is so accurate, I had to post it here. Real talk, it's so accurate, I almost don't want to post it...here it is anyway:

"This is a time period, Libra, where things of a romantic nature are not always as they seem, so you want to pay special attention to what is happening in your romantic experiences. This is a time where whether you are single or attached, illusions and delusions can wear the mask of true inspiration, so thread your way among them to the truth and don't fall for the first fantasy that comes to mind. Romantic possibilities may evaporate as quickly as they appear, and that is for the best -- better to let them go than seize on what will not support you. Yes, you will know which opportunities to forgo, and which ones to pay attention to, so pay attention to the universal signs and you will be more than happy you did."


10 To Do in 2010

Not a resolutions list, but a list of things I want to accomplish by year end (in no particular order):

1) Get professional headshots
2) Get a casting agent in order to launch my career as an extra
3) Become fluent in either French or Spanish
4) Lose even more weight
5) Invest more money into securing a positive financial future for myself (2009 was a good start)
6) Donate clothes to the less fortunate
7) Control my spending
8) Gain more upper body strength
9) Show my mom that I really do appreciate her
10) Advance my professional career


January Book

I just tallied the votes for the January book, and the winner is What Is the What, by Dave Eggers. I heard it's an excellent book, and have high hopes for it after having read his first novel (A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius) several years back.

After my mini-rant on Bitter Is the New Black, I completely forgot to mention how much I loved A Father's Law, the newly published work of Richard Wright. This book/manuscript lingered in my mind long after I finished reading. The characters were so real I felt like I could sink my teeth into them, their problems so poignant that I couldn't help but contemplate them as if they were my own. This is surely a book I will revisit from time to time in the future. I highly recommend this treasure of a book.


Getting it all in in 2010

Happy new year, folks!

A lot happened in 2009: good, great, and bad. It was tiring, educational, challenging, fun, sad, exciting; 2009 taxed all of my emotions. However, I accomplished what I needed to spiritually, financially and professionally; I've tied up all the loose ends that needed tying, and gotten rid of all the toxic/negative/unnecessary/life-sucking people in my life (voluntarily and involuntarily--people who know me well know what I'm talking about). I'm glad it's all over and am ready to dive into this new year with both feet perfectly arched, haha! Wide awake, I am receptive to what the universe has to tell me; my heart and mind are open to new challenges and experiences, new love, new friends, more great books, lots of fabulous outings and pictures as I continue to explore my new host city, strengthening bonds with my family and close friends, and any new opportunities thrown my way.

So I have two mottos I'm following:
"I'm getting it all in in 2010" and "Better choices in men in 2010." I plan to follow both to the letter. ;)


PS: Bitter is the New Black was one of the suckiest, most annoying books I've ever read, and that's saying a lot. This book gave the chick-lit genre a bad name (and girls from Chicago--please believe, we're not all like that). I'm now reading My Cousin Rachel, by Daphne DuMaurier. I have to have something more intellectual to get that drivel out of my head.