
My Fortune Cookie

I can't help it: I had to post my fortune cookie saying. Although its packaging is rather banal, the depth of the message resounds.

"Many a false step is made by standing still."

This couldn't be further from the truth, and I must keep this message at the forefront of my mind whenever I feel myself becoming complacent in accomplishing my goals (which I have been as of late--thanks, trashy reality TV!). I guess this is just the universe telling me to snap out of it!


Book Club

A recent jaunt with a couple of the Book Club ladies at Lady Mendl's for afternoon tea.

The March book for Book Club was Skinny Dip, which was funny and witty, but not the greatest read; good entertainment, but not enthused to pick up another of the author's books any time soon,

This month, we are reading The Help, by Kathryn Stockett, which is showing a lot of promise thus far.