
In Memorium

This past weekend was my family reunion. It was a very important one for us because my grandmother's death last year was quite tragic. She was such a lovely woman for all of us tolook up to; anyone who could say they knew her were touched by her. I wasn't able to attend this year's family reunion, although I wish this were not so, and I have decided to post the poem I wrote for her funeral. I still miss her dearly.

Goodbye: A Requiem

Only for a short while have you loaned us to each other.
Because we take form in your act of drawing us together,
We breathe in your songs to us and give them life for
The brief spans we are here. But only for so
Short a while have you loaned us to each other.
We must make the most of our times together.

Grandmother, I will miss you more than our language has
The vocabulary to help me articulate.
The only comfort I find in your absence is knowing
You are home where you belong.
I thank Him for blessing us with you, and the
Sacred memories that have been ingrained in me.

You will forever be loved, missed, and a nearby thought.
I will not, however, mourn your death,
But I will indeed, celebrate your life.

© 2004 by Vicky Therese Davis

This doesn't even begin to describe how I truly feel, but suffice it to say, she was very special to me, and I will carry all my memories of her with me till my death.

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