
Spring Cleaning

It's almost spring, and that means it's "spring cleaning" time! I've out my closet on a diet and refuse to buy myself anything--unless it's something super spectacular, of course. Everyday when I get home from work I go through my dresser drawers, closets and sweater shelves to see what I can donate. Last week I filled 4 Hefty trash bags full of clothing, although beautiful, that I will never even miss. Just last night I filled yet another one, well on my way to purging myself of everything unnecessary. Not only do I do this new exercise at night, I do it whenever I'm getting dressed to go somewhere: If I don't like how I look when I'm trying things on, I put those things in the bag. This not only cleanses my wardrobe, it gives me a sense of relief and purification. I suggest every clothes horse to do this and see how it makes her feel.

My edited closets thank me, and so does my bank account!

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