
Our Moms

I heard Staceyann Chin on Def Poetry one night years ago and started looking into her poetry and writings. Last week I began following her on Twitter: @staceyannchin. I came across this haiku (a form of poetry I love, as many who follow me might already know) today and felt compelled to post it (even though the ethnicity is reversed):

Haiku for my mother

Chinaman left her
black child in her flat belly
rockstone in her heart

My mom's been staying with me since October while her new apartment gets renovated; she moves out tomorrow. Although my happiness knows no end to the news that I get my space back, I'm going to miss the routine we so easily fell into together. She has been through everything, knows almost everything, and is my everything. And despite the fact that I see my mother everyday, that she gets on my nerves, that I cherish my personal space and privacy, I'll miss her. Does that make any sense?! haha


Glad That's Over

I finally finished Mistress of the Sun, and I am too happy that ordeal is over. This book had so much potential and completely lost its way--I'm so disappointed in Gulland for creating such spineless female characters and for focusing on the inconsequential. Mistress was based on an actual historical figure, therefore it should have been that much greater for that little fact. This experience has completely dissuaded me from reading any more books by Gulland--shoddy writing should and will not be supported by yours truly.

On a happier note, our February book for the new book club has been voted upon and the winner is Isabel Allende's Daughter of Fortune. I might have read this book years ago, but can't remember; either way, I can't wait to pick it up. That is of course, after I finish Nefertiti, by Michelle Moran, in order to compensate for the horrible taste in my mouth left over from badly written historical fiction. Nefertiti should do the trick (as I've been told by Racquel who's read both books back-to-back as well). As usual, you can see my updated list of reading material in the right navigation; they're all quick links for your easy reference.

Happy reading and have a lovely weekend, my friends. Besitos!


The New Format

Since a couple of the ladies from the original NYC Book Gang and I are going to continue reading together, I've put together a new format that seems very agreeable to us all: we will each be picking a book per month, on ABC rotation, and will also orchestrate the venue and meeting date. I think this will make things more interactive and get participation at 100% (even though this wasn't a problem with them, which is why we're doing this ourselves). In retrospect, maybe the group should have been handled like this from the beginning; however, I thought that I was making it easier for everyone by coordinating everything myself. Was it all taken for granted, were people just not interested anymore, or is everyone just going in a different direction? I don't know, and even though I'll miss the original collective, I'm looking forward to starting anew.

I can't wait to see what the inaugural book is going to be, especially since I can't seem to finish Mistress of the Sun. I'm not saying it's bad per se, just a really tedious read.


The End of An Affair

Last night was the final book club gathering. We had a lovely time, but I believe my idea has served its purpose for making new friends and exploring our new home. We briefly discussed our December book over gourmet grilled cheese sammies (part of the theme besides candy) and sinfully delicious desserts. Back on my diet as of today, haha. Two of the original--and only consistent participants--and I will continue to read together and dish, but by no means will any of us part ways and never see each other again. I will still host movie nights and I'm sure we'll all include each other in our own activities and outings. Also, my "Recent Reads" section will continue to be updated on a regular basis.

All's well that ends well.


New Year, Better Life

I'm not into the whole "new year, new you" mentality; I prefer to think of "better you" than completely new. Let's be realistic: no one sticks to resolutions and far-reaching goals anyway, right? So I'm going to keep on making the same improvements I vowed to make last year. 2010 was grand and I stuck to my list for the most part, therefore this year can only get better by my estimations. Saving more money (not spending so carelessly), investing that saved money wisely, healthier living, all that good stuff.

These past few days I've already started achieving some of my five-year plan goals: I signed up for spin instructor certification and will have that squared away next weekend--so excited about that! I've bought a photography package so I can finally get my headshots (on last year's to-do list). I've renewed my gym membership and have been already been taking dance classes at Alvin Ailey (LOVING it there) and am planning on adding ballet back into my repetoire. I'm planning on being able to make clothes--or at least hem my jeans and fix buttons--so I've signed up for sewing classes. I'm also trying to be more patient and tolerant toward others. All of this should lead to a better me, yes?

Being this proactive, which is better than I was during years' past, I can only believe that 2011 will be promising.

Oh! Check out my skydiving video that I've finally uploaded on my youtube channel here.