
Our Moms

I heard Staceyann Chin on Def Poetry one night years ago and started looking into her poetry and writings. Last week I began following her on Twitter: @staceyannchin. I came across this haiku (a form of poetry I love, as many who follow me might already know) today and felt compelled to post it (even though the ethnicity is reversed):

Haiku for my mother

Chinaman left her
black child in her flat belly
rockstone in her heart

My mom's been staying with me since October while her new apartment gets renovated; she moves out tomorrow. Although my happiness knows no end to the news that I get my space back, I'm going to miss the routine we so easily fell into together. She has been through everything, knows almost everything, and is my everything. And despite the fact that I see my mother everyday, that she gets on my nerves, that I cherish my personal space and privacy, I'll miss her. Does that make any sense?! haha

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