Here in this special place, thanks to the technology of the internet and push-button publishing, let me show you the contents and color of my heart and mind…
I know...I know...
I'm on Twitter under the moniker @TheVickylicious
My random pics are on instagram: thevickylicious
Of course I'm on facebook (I have three pages, three pages!)
I tumble as well... The Mascara Diaries
And I have finally started using my youtube channel: Vickylicious
so now you can see my cornball self in action!
All of these links (except for instagram and facebook) can be found in the right navigation under the category "My Tangled Web," for your easy reference and convenience. The only reason I'm dedicating a post about this is because I'm always being asked what pages I have in general conversation; it has replaced the whole phone number thing somehow. Instead of, "Can I have your phone number?" or "Can I call you?" I now get, "Are you on Twitter?" or I'm simply told, "Tweet me!" and "Facebook me!"
As much as I love all this stuff, I miss the good ol' days.
Today's Fate
Try to create something new: a meal, sculpture, poem or mix CD will bring you joy. A lot of energy, pressure and expectations are piled on this day, but it will be a day just like any other (with a few minor exceptions). Do not let yourself feel under pressure to make things perfect -- there are many things beyond your control. When something trips you up today, you can regain your balance and use some fancy footwork to make it look like you meant to do it on purpose. You are blessed with exceptional quick thinking and grace, so carry on as if it's just another day.
Ah yes, sweet harmony
When Gemini and Libra come together in a love affair, they enjoy a great relationship based on intellectual interests and mental agility. Dual-natured Gemini loves Libra's balance, and Libra is always entertained by the chatty, brainy Twins. Libra loves art and beauty while Gemini loves the beauty of an idea, but these loves aren't far off from one another. Both Gemini and Libra have a great deal of mental energy. They can come up with all sorts of great ideas when they work together, and Libra has the get-up-and-go needed to put their ideas into action, a quality which Gemini tends to lack. In fact, in the birth of an idea Gemini is better at pontification than direction, but this is a valuable contribution to Libra's mental process. Both Signs share a need for intellectual freedom, which they can certainly provide for one another. Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love) and Gemini by the Planet Mercury (Communication). Libra and Gemini work well together; they combine the forces of love and communication. As Libra prizes harmony with their lover almost above all else, Gemini won't be able to indulge their love of a good, hearty debate too often; Libra would rather do almost anything than argue. Both Libra and Gemini are Air Signs. Gemini loves Libra's energy and has no trouble keeping up when Libra is off and running with a new idea, art project or other pursuit. Both Signs have wide-ranging interests, giving them great material for provocative discussion. Gemini is a Mutable Sign and Libra is a Cardinal Sign. Libra likes a position of leadership in a relationship. They most often come up with the date ideas, for example, and flexible Gemini's happy to go along -- as long as it's okay to change their minds at the last minute. Libra tends to initiate things but has trouble finishing them; Gemini is so adaptable, they won't mind switching gears on a moment's notice and moving on to something else if Libra gets bored. What's the best aspect of the Gemini-Libra relationship? Their ability to work together as an intellectual team. Together they can expose each other to new and different points of view and areas of interest, and help one another open up their worlds.
KOCH for Zimmerman?
In the wake of the killing Trayvon Martin ... the company KOCH which manufactures paper products is paying for Zimmerman's legal fees because they feel he had legal right to bare arms and shoot Trayvon. We are asking that people everywhere ban together with us and pass this information on and not purchase any of the following items because your money will be paying for Zimmerman's lawyer fees. Please do not purchase any of the following items: Angel soft toilet paper, Brawny paper towels, Dixie plates, bowls, napkins, cups; Mardi Gras napkins and towels; Quilted northern toilet paper; Soft and Gentle toilet paper; Sparkle napkins; Vanity fair napkins and Zero napkins.
Another Year, Another Website
Yes, it's 2012 and I'm at it again with another site. It seems like I complain about everyone being too plugged into the matrix --myself included--yet every year I create another personal page, much to my chagrin. And so I've gone and done it again: my new site is The Mascara Diaries
It'll be full of all the random, trivial, superficial musings that run through my head at any given time, along with all of my mascara & other makeup obsessions. I hope you'll follow me there and get to know yet another facet to find out what makes me tick (though I doubt that'll ever happen, bwahahaha).