
I know...I know...

It's pretty ridiculous how many ways you can socially interact these days; I'm constantly amazed to see what new form our narcissism can take. Not only does that amaze me, I'm absolutely confounded at how I've been sucked into it all, as well. I mean, I know I'm vain, but I thought even my vanity had a boundary... I guess not, because here are all of the ways you can see what I'm doing!

I'm on Twitter under the moniker @TheVickylicious

My random pics are on instagram: thevickylicious

Of course I'm on facebook (I have three pages, three pages!)

I tumble as well... The Mascara Diaries

And I have finally started using my youtube channel: Vickylicious
so now you can see my cornball self in action!

All of these links (except for instagram and facebook) can be found in the right navigation under the category "My Tangled Web," for your easy reference and convenience. The only reason I'm dedicating a post about this is because I'm always being asked what pages I have in general conversation; it has replaced the whole phone number thing somehow. Instead of, "Can I have your phone number?" or "Can I call you?" I now get, "Are you on Twitter?" or I'm simply told, "Tweet me!" and "Facebook me!"

As much as I love all this stuff, I miss the good ol' days.

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