
Enough already!

I know that hurricane season has started, but enough of the gloom already! I went for what I thought would be a pleasant walk and regretted it the minute I stepped out of the air conditioning. It felt like I was walking into soup, it was so humid. A film immediately spread across my face and my clothes began sticking to me in the most uncomfortable way. I hadn't even made it down the driveway yet!

Since I was already out, I figured I might as well make the most of my venture, until I caught my reflection in a store window. My once sleek ponytail had turned into a wanna-be afro puff! I had some loose strands hanging nicely from the elastic, but the rest looked like a cross between a mangled piece of brillo and Diana Ross on a bad hair day. That, coupled with my Crisco face made me turn around and head straight back home where I will undoubtedly stay until I absolutely must come out. Talk about traumatic! (Now I have to go and get another piercing...lol)

A Tangled Mess

Try as I might, it just won’t listen.
I tug and pull, twist and tear,
But it refuses to give in.
So I try to ease the tension by
Smoothing it, patting it, stroking it lovingly.
Nothing works; the tangles won’t break free.
I wine and dine it, give it expensive food,
Take it out on the town; nothing works.
It’s costing me a fortune and I’m in a bad mood.
We’re to the point that we have to see experts.
I’m giving in, throwing in the towel; it’s a wrap.
I’ll pull it back, cover it with a cap.
My arms hurt, my head aches and now I’m late
All because of this frizzy hair that won’t cooperate!

© 2005 by Vicky T. Davis

Until next time, folks!

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