
Step into Liquid

Since the rain has no thoughts of letting up anytime soon (it is hurricane season afterall), I have grown sick of all the gloomy faces and clouds and frefuse to write anymore about the horrible weather. Instead, let us ride the choppy waves of the ocean together in my poem, "Step into Liquid."

I watch the ocean’s waves
Gently breaking on the shore.
The water rolls so smoothly
That I wish my body could transform
Into this cleansing liquid that
Hypnotizes my mind and causes
Me to dream of faraway places
Anywhere but here
And makes me wish the waves that
Pull the sand with its deceptive undertow
Will drag me out into the depths where
I can finally be one with the elements,
Feeling the earth’s pulse with every ebb and flow.

I look at the white caps and silently
Wish I could dissolve like the tiny bubbles;
Vaporize into the air and be invisible,
Disappear into the ether so my intentions seem undetectable.
No, I recant that dream; better to be water,
Covering the earth en masse with my unpredictability.
I could rise up when angry and change color to reflect my moods.
Serene at one moment and raging the next; the facets of my personality
All a part of Nature’s balance.

In retrospect, never mind; being me is best.
I have the ability to be all things now,
In human form, the way it was intended.
Using the written word, I can become anything I so desire.
Even in my mind, I am all things, because all things are in me.
The Author of Nature has given me the ability—
Nay, the responsibility,
To make manifest my goals.
This is my life’s work, and so I willingly
Step into it, embracing the challenge that is

©2005 Vicky Therese Davis

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