
Being Proactive II

Women: Protect yourselves from AIDS. HIV-positive men who don't wear condoms is a growing lethal danger to us. What is the best possible protection from this? Besides refusing to have sex without a condom, there is a gel containing microbicides; applied by women pre-sex, it could guard against HIV infection. There is one problem, though: It doesn't exist yet. Appoximately 20 such products are in development, and experts and scitentist project that they would help prevent 6 million HIV infections within three years of their release. They will never materialize, however, without more funding. Encourage legistaors to help pass the Microbicide Development Act (Senate bill No. 550, House bill No. 3854) and let's get something done to stop this epidemic which is killing us at a faster and more alarming rate.

(information provided in December 2005 Glamour Magazine)


Oh, Amy!

This past Saturday I went to the annual Miami Book Fair and listened to one of my favorite authors, Amy Tan, speak on writing, storytelling, and what is like to be a writer. Most of her talk was familiar to me after having read "The Opposite of Fate," my favorite book written by her to date. Although she was supposed to be promoting her new novel, "Saving Fish From Drowning," she decided to "wing it" and talk about how her mother became her muse. So much can be learned from their relationship with each other, thus from reading anything written by this magnificent force. Amy Tan truly is an inspiration. I encourage all avid readers and lovers of good English to try on one of her books. I think you'll like the fit.

I'm off to NY for Turkey Day. Let's give thanks to the pilgrims for killing the Native Americans and stealing their land by indulging in the feast the "Indians" taught them to make.

What a holiday.


Being Proactive

After having been affected by Wilma, I now truly understand and can appreciate the plight victims have (and still are) gone/going through. It is doubly hard for women and those with dependents to survive, much less rebuild. As a community, we need to get funds directly to those who are in most need. A great way of doing this on an individual level is to write or email letters to urge your local representatives to provide job training, extended welfare benefits, and funding, so men and women can reconstruct their homes, businesses and start moving forward from the wreckage their lives have become. Let's all lend a hand to help those in the south that were affected by Katrina, Rita and Wilma make even better lives for themselves than the ones they were forced from.


Property Value

I know the value of this site is going down, but only because I'm taking a real estate class that's got my head filled with computations and definitions I haev no hope of memorizing for the exam. Bear with me, folks, the property value will increase on my blog in the near future. No need to unload the investment it takes to type in the address to my blog. More new and thought-provoking essays will arrive shortly.