
Books & Books

Book Club is meeting at AmyRuth's to discuss The Help tonight (you know how I like to have themed outings), and I absolutely cannot wait! This novel was so provocative, I have to put it on the same short list as Wench, another group favorite from a couple months past. I already know there will be a lot for us to talk about and debate.

This month's book selection is quite a departure: The Piano Teacher, by Janice Y.K. Lee. The setting is Hong Kong pre- and post- WW2. I just started it last night and it seems promising thus far. I hope it doesn't disappoint. Either way, the food we'll eat for this discussion will be sure to please all our palates. I'm already doing the recon on venues, hehe.

Recently discarded on my own time was James Patterson's Sundays at Tiffany's, a fluff piece that doesn't deserve shelf space in my personal library--it was donated within an hour of my finishing it. This was one book that really did deserve to be in the bargain bin at B&N. James Patterson will not be getting a second chance outta me!