
December Book

I know I haven't posted in a while, but for those that have actually been reading with my group, and I appreciate your participation, the december book is The Love Wife, by Gish Jen. Enjoy!


Jena 6 to Lead Panel @ Summit in Washington, D.C.

Jena Six Students to Lead Panel at Summit in Washington, DC

Singer Angie Stone, and the Jena Six students are participating in the Children's Defense Fund Summit Tuesday Night. CDF Event at Howard University will focus on America's "Cradle to Prison Pipeline" Tuesday, September 25, the evening session of the Children's Defense Fund's (CDF) national Cradle to Prison Pipeline Summit at Howard University.

Stone will take part in a panel discussion on "Transforming Popular Culture into a Positive Force to help Dismantle the Cradle to Prison Pipeline." Following that, students Robert Bailey and Theo Shaw, two of the"Jena Six" will join others involved in the case for a panel discussion on"Endangered Black Males: Racial Injustice and the Pipeline."

Bailey, Shawand, and four other Black high school students in Jena, Louisiana, known widely as the "Jena Six," have been unjustly charged with adult felony charges for allegedly participating in a school fight. Both events will take place in Howard University's Cramton Auditorium. The panel will be part of a larger summit to address America's Cradleto Prison Pipeline crisis and its devastating impact on children, youth, and their families, particularly within the Black and Latino communities. A full summit agenda can be viewed at the website below. For more information on CDF's Cradle toPrison Pipeline Initiative visit http://www.childrensdefense.org/cradletoprison.


September Book

I know, I know, I've totally negelcted this blog. So, here's a brief update:

The August book, The Picture of Dorian Gray, was enjoyed by all who read it. We felt it was superbly written, and agreed it was quite homo-erotic, which is OK... Oscar Wilde was extremely ahead of his time and this, his only novel, proves thus.

The September book is A Mighty Heart, by Mariane Pearl. Mrs. Pearl is the widow of Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal journalist who was kidnapped and beheaded in Afghanistan. So far, I think it a little corny, but well written and moving. We'll see if that changes and if the rest of those who read it think about it.

Until then..!


Augsut Book

The verdict is in: The book selection for the month of August is, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. He is one of the wittiest and biting classic writers that I've ever read. For those who are unfamiliar with this legendary man, he wrote The Importance of Being Earnest and An Ideal Husband, among others. He has so many quotables, I'm sure if you read him, you'll agree. He was a man too ahead of the times for his own good, and I admire his spirit greatly.

Happy reading!


Was it Independence Day for You?

Whenever July 4th rolls around and I really think about what the day means, as I shared with you last year. This year, the CEO of iZania.com (an interactive marketplace for African-Americans) has sent a public message about this debatable day. I thought I'd post it and see what you think about it.

Independence Day -- The Cost of Freedom

I recently read an article about research facilitated by The Ohio State University's Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, titled, Whites Underestimate the Cost of Being
Black. The basic observation of the research by Phil Mazzocco is "While there has been progress in making racial conditions in American more equal, there's clearly a lot more work to be done," he said. "Blacks and whites are not experiencing the same America." As we approach this Independence Day, I began to ponder the "cost of being Black."

Independence has a very different meaning for African Americans, and that leaves many of us ambivalent as we watch the fireworks and hear the marching bands and see the parades celebrating our nation's independence. Freedom for Black Americans came more than 100 years after the Declaration of Independence, and still is characterized by huge gaps in the fruits of independence.

Looking back on our own independence, and evaluating our progress, we are not far removed from the indignities observed by Frederick Douglass, in his Independence Day Speech on the fourth of July 1852. At that point in the history of our nation - he made this observation:

"At a time like this, scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed. Oh! had I the ability, and could I reach the nation's ear, I would today pour out a fiery stream of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke. For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake. The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be denounced."

“The costs of being black in our society are very well documented," Mazzocco said. "Blacks have significantly lower income and wealth, higher levels of poverty, and even shorter life spans, among many other disparities, compared to whites."

While whites may underestimate the cost, most Blacks are not far removed from the sentiments expressed by Frederick Douglass. As we celebrate along with our fellow citizens, we must continue to advance, in spite of the costs. It is important to recognize that, while emancipation was officially announced in 1863, we are still paying a higher cost of being Black in America.

For me, this makes my freedom more precious, and provides the motivation to continue the struggle for equality. My vote is more precious. My education is more valuable to me. I appreciate the progress that my parents and grandparents made - as well as my own progress -- because I had to work harder for it. I have a greater commitment to work for the progress of others, because Frederick Douglass also taught us that "power concedes nothing without a demand."

Do we have something to celebrate on this Independence Day? Yes, we do. We are not experiencing the same America, but this nation is just as much ours as it is anyone else's. So I encourage you to enjoy the celebration. Just don't forget the cost.

Roger Madison

CEO, iZania.com

I think that was pretty well stated, do you?


Summer Fun

I was just reading my July issue of Glamour Magazine (with Katherine Heigl on the cover), and came across a cute list of things to do to put you in a good mood (July is peak happiness month, after all, duh). I'd like to share them with all of you who do not subscribe to gloss mags and don't know what you're missing...

30 Things to Put You in an Instant Good Mood

1. Google your first head-over-heels summer love. Consider sending him and email.
2. Get rid of some unhappiness: Let go of a grudge, forgive a slight, unload a worry.
3. Give dark nail polish the summer off. Yes, it's edgy, but nothing compares to looking down at 10 pretty pastels.
4. See The Bourne Ultimatum just for brainy Matty D's biceps
5. Eat plenty of pink: lemonade, grapefruit, champagne, frosting.
6. Run an ice cube all over him. Or if there's no him, you.
7. Marco? Polo!
8. Use your sexy walk. Take all catcalls as compliments.
9. Open drawer. Insert BlackBerry. Close drawer. Walk away.
10. Skip makeup for a day and call it your new nude look.
11. Sit in front of a freezing cold air conditioner in a darkened room and have an all day screening of winter movies like Doctor Zhivago, Never Cry Wolf, March of the Penguins.
12. Plant something. Watch it grow. Eat it with a nice vinaigrette.
13. Spend 15 minutes browsing for sandals at zappos.com, which has--no joke--338 pairs under $40.
14. Naked sleeping, naked TV watching, naked iPod updating, naked tub scrubbing...need we go on?
15. Download the singsongy ice cream truck jingle as your ringtone (for as long as you can stand it). Just search for "download ice cream truck ringtone"--it actually works!
16. Give the kid a whole dollar for the lemonade.
17. Dip your feet in a cool, crisp body of water (yes, a blowup pool counts).
18. Order the 2 1/2 pound lobster. Of course you can finish it!
19. Bikram sex. As in hot, sweaty, intense.
20. "Don't worry about a thing. 'Cause every little thing gonna be alright." Repeat anytime you need a Bob Marley moment.
21. Make sangria (check out mixdrinx.com). Wine-soaked fruit: Does it get any better?
*22. Get a dog. Do it! You know you want to.
23. Put a pair of sunglasses on a baby strictly for your own enjoyment.
24. Entertain your fellow drivers by singing out loud to the radio with the windows down. Also, make "air waves" with your hands.
25. Add fresh mint to all cold beverages.
26. Price a quickie weekend trip to Vegas. Yeah, it's hotter 'n hell there, but the fun is all indoors.
**27. Be barefoot more often than is socially appropriate.
28. Hit the pool or beach at sundown, when all the crowds have gone. Have yourself a lovely solo swim.
29. Celebrate Take Your Sundress to Work Day. Wear an office-y little sweater, but know that underneath it you have the day off.
30. Turn 360 degrees and identify five things around you that are making your life beautiful right now.

*I am anti this item. Why would I want to take care of a smelly dog in the summer and have to walk it in this crazy heat and humidity?!?
**I think this is highly unsanitary. I do not recommend this item, either.

Albeit, some of the list items seem corny and kooky, I think that's what makes a person happy sometimes. A little corniness might just be what it takes to get you out of whatever rut is bogging you down. Have fun!


Book Club

My girlfriend, Trish, who I met in a book club I still belong to, is our book club coordinator, until now. Due to a new job and hectic schedule, she has passed on the torch to yours truly. I think I will be quite capable at my new role, and have already started coordinating my first gathering. I am always encouraging people to read, read more often, and/or join our book club (which is in Miami). Some people are on our list who read the books from wherever they are in the country; they just don't participate in the discussions. Rather, they use our list and monthly selection to do some reading on their own.

All that said, I have decided to post our monthly selections here every time a vote takes place. I encourage you to join online and share your thoughts and questions of our books with me. I will even bring them up to my group when we meet. Our next vote takes place early in the new week, so I will be posting our August book here later in the week.

Are you game?

(I'm hoping it's going to be a book I already own. Last thing I need is to buy another book to add to the piles of still unread books lying around the house!)



Gotta get something off of my chest right quick (as is said in Chicago): I am so sick of the anti-aging campaigns that are saturating the market! There is no such this as not aging; you can prolong a youthful appearance, but you cannot stop this totally normal and natural progression. So, get over it! Embrace yourself at any age and celebrate it by living a healthy life that will keep you looking youthful for a longer period of time. Just please, please, stop this anti-aging crap!



The sunflower is one of my favorite flowers, although technically, it is a weed. I think that's what makes me appreciate it even more. Weeds are considered undesirable, ugly, and are treated like pests when they pop up in one's grass, or struggle through cracks in the concrete. Weeds are strong, sometimes beautiful, taken for granted, and pulled from the root in order to prevent anymore from growing. Sunflowers are the only weeds that are left to grow to enormous heights and are even cultivated and nurtured on farms. They stand majestically in fields and follow the sun as it passes in the sky, a wondrous thing and quite symbolic if you internalize these actions as I have.


In a field of wild sunflowers,
I sway among the stalks in the wind
and follow the sun as it passes.
My body dances to an inner rhythm
and I am a wild flower, too.
Dew saturates my skin, leaving
an iridescent sheen as I bloom
under the daystar’s warming rays.
Let the bees come and pollinate,
so that they might spread my love
to those wanting.

During the summer of my life,
I will dance under the sky,
lifting my head in thanks
to the splendor of my field.

And though autumn will come,
I will dance in the wind till my
end; for I will return in the spring.
Yes, maybe in a different form, yet
‘twill be a resurrection under the sun

©2005 Vicky T. Davis


Dreams Ablaze

Every once in a while, do you get the eerie feeling that all your efforts are for naught? Like you can actually see your dreams crashing and burning right in front of you? Today is one of those days for me, when everything seems fruitless. Despair is winning the war today... Here's a tanka I wrote the last time sentiment defeated logic:

#8 (Cigar Smoke)

I puffed a cigar,
blew the heat from my insides.
My essence felt weightless
as the blood in my veins slowed.
“There go my dreams,” I sensed.

C. 2006 Vicky Therese Davis


VIP List or Racism

I purposely didn't post anything regarding Black History Month in February because frankly, I don't celebrate or acknowledge it. I will, however, post something I've been meaning to address for a while now about the blatant racism that is exhibited at nightclubs all over the country. Countless times I've seen people of color being turned away from the petty tyrants who guard the velvet rope because they were "outside their element" and made the club look bad in terms of image. Why should anyone be made to feel sub-par just to listen to good music, have a couple of drinks, and dance? Either the bouncers make people they don't like wait for hours in line, or act like they don't exist. These people are trying to spend money in these establishments and are getting humiliated and turned away.

I refuse to let anyone treat me so horribly and only patronize venues where I don't have to feel humiliated. Until people realize their self-worth, these brutes will wield their "power" over them. Why give them such control? Not only is this behavior racist, discriminatory, and tyrannical, it's bad business. I have copied the following letter, written by a black woman last year, that perfectly describes this experience. Once you read this, I hope you will realize that these atrocities are getting out of hand and will not stop until we take back the power we've relinquished.

On Saturday, August 12, my husband, soror and I had the displeasure of visiting Transit Nightclub. We were there supposedly as VIP guests of a friend for his birthday. His evite instructed us to mention his name at the front of the door and we would be admitted entry, free of charge into the club. We arrived shortly after 11PM and that is where the melee began. Let me preface all of this by saying, I don't take use of the race card lightly and am annoyed at people when they blame the ills of their life on being an African American. I am aware that racism exists, but I haven't experienced blatant racism since my time in Nashville as a college student.

We waited in line to enter the club, once we reached the front of the line; my husband was told that he couldn't enter because he had on sandals. We had on sandals, almost every woman that entered had on sandals, and so we were quite surprised when he said this. My husband had on a starched button down shirt, some jeans and dressy sandals- not $5 flip-flops, leather sandals he had purchased in Europe.

We questioned the doorman and he stated that men couldn't wear sandals in this club nor any other club in Chicago. I knew this was a lie because we've been to several clubs in Chicago and were admitted to all of them without incident. As we were talking to the doorman, another guest of our friend was told he couldn't get in because he had on a polo style shirt. I went into the club and to let our friend know that we'd be leaving and he was holding a conversation with one of the employees, where they stated that sandals were a liability issue because you could cut your foot on glass. If that were the case, why were women allowed to wear sandals? I informed our friend that we would be leaving and attempted to talk to the employee about his policy.

I left the club and again, since we had driven 50 miles to get there, attempted to talk some sense into the doorman. As I was talking to him, I noticed several Caucasian and Indian people entering the club, not only did they have on polo shirts, some had on plain white t-shirts, gym shoes and other garments that were not nearly as neat and professional as my husband. When I pointed this out to the doorman, he came up with a myriad of excuses, like they were repeat customers or their shirts didn't have stripes really a bunch of unreasonable excuses. At this time, it became apparent to me that the difference between these patrons and us was our skin color.

I explained to the doorman that I understand there is a certain element in Chicago that you want to keep out of your club. Trust me, I've seen many good clubs close because the wrong type of people started coming and fights, shoot outs and stampedes were the result. However, I explained that clearly we weren't those people and it was quite obvious that we weren't gaining admission because we were black.

At this point, another employee approached us and told us that no one cares that we aren't getting in. He also informed us to tell all of our friends so that they wouldn't come to the club because we weren't wanted there. He informed us that it was a private club and if they wanted to refuse admission to anyone for anything that they were within their legal rights to do so. My husband was angry by these remarks and told the employee to please step away from us so that we could wait on our car from valet (it wasn't as polite as this, but the essence of his message). The employee then told my husband that he would stomp him like an ant and that he wished he would try to hit him so that he could beat him to a pulp. He went on with a barrage of other threatening statements until his coworkers asked him to step inside.

This was a horrible incident and honestly, I think I had gotten comfortable in my little suburban life and had turned a blind eye to these types of incidents. It was a slap in the face and honestly, in addition to being angry, my feelings were very hurt. However, this caused me to think about other clubs in Chicago. The trend right now is to say you have to be on the "VIP" list to gain entry into clubs and lounges (Rednofive, Le Passage, Slicks, Transit, Bella, Sugar, etc). The reality of the situation is the VIP list is an excuse to exclude certain people. These people can be African American and typically are, they can be some other minority, they could even simply be unattractive people that don't fit into the image of the club. A columnist in Chicago even wrote how one Chicago establishment made African American patrons wait in line to gain entry, while countless Caucasian people walked in.

I went to Metromix.com to read the reviews on Transit and another woman, who seemed to be African American, had a similar experience. It is appalling and absurd, that in 2006, in a city as metropolitan as Chicago, that racism is still blatantly used to exclude minorities from clubs. Socioeconomic status doesn't preclude you from experiencing blatant racism, I am aware of that. However, I was silly enough to think that my friends and I, with all of our degrees and careers, would be sheltered to some extent. Silly me.

[Submitted by Jennifer Lee-Gilbert via CityAlert.com Message Board (http://www.cityalert.com/cgi-bin/YaBB/YaBB.pl?board=nightlife)]



I pulled my calf muscle almost two weeks ago; this is my first injury ever. I've been pretty upbeat about things until today. I'm usually a very active person, and this is a very hard pill for me to swallow. I'm officially sick of TV, and this is the first time I ever thought I'd be able to say this, but, I'm sick of reading! It's come to the point where the thought of reading or even writing makes me sick. My creative juices have dried, and I have a serious case of cabin fever. All I want to do is go for a walk, and I can't even do that.

I know this isn't an original thought or feeling, but I'm going to say it anyway: You never know how good you have it until it gets taken away from you. I feel like I've taken mobility for granted. After I heal from this mishap, I don't think I'll ever take for granted the gift of mobility.


What the New Year Should Bring

Every new year brings with it changes and expectations. I've always been a firm believer in making as many improvements in my all aspects of my life as possible. Mind you, I don't make "New Year's Resolutions," I simply want to take the steps necessary to build on the things I've accomplished the year before, or try to correct the mistakes I made that prevented me from achieving certain goals on my timeline.

Toward the end of 2006, I reflected long and hard on what I failed to accomplish, and searched within to figure out what I can do in the new year to improve. I have so many lines in the water this time around, and a pretty good plan--better than I've ever devised hence--and have decided that this is the year I will not procrastinate. Truth be told, I have a few secret goals that I tend to achieve by the time I turn 30 (which is next year), so the fire is burning a little hotter now, and my booty is feeling the heat.

So here's to everyone who plans to make the quality of life for themselves and others in the new year!
